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HKUST Division of Public Policy (PPOL) e-Newsletter Spring 2023 Issue No.3
The Acting Head's Message


Our previous newsletter was issued in September 2022, and this newsletter covers the intervening period. Two notably momentous events have marked this half-year period. The first is the rapid relaxation of COVID-related restrictions in Hong Kong. Few words can express the sea change in mood that this has brought about. As a result, the palpable enthusiasm and vigor that had been missing for three years have returned to our lives. The second event was the release of ChatGPT. Although there is no mention of ChatGPT in this newsletter, it is incumbent upon me to address it given its potential to upend so many jobs, tasks, and industries, particularly in education. As educators, my divisional colleagues and I have engaged in many discussions about ChatGPT and our response is evolving as our understanding evolves. Suffice it to say that, in combination, these events have added a flavor and spice that has been sorely lacking for quite some time!

Happy reading!

Naubahar SHARIF

March 2023

Grants, Awards and Projects
Grants, Awards, and Projects

Research and Community Grants, Awards and Competition, On-going Projects, New Appointments

Research Showcase
Research Showcase

1. Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy

2. Urban and Social Policy

3. Environmental Policy and Sustainability

Public Policy Dialogue Series
Public Policy Dialogue Series

Development vs Environment: An Irreconcilable Dilemma? 

Giving Hope to Young People: What Matters and How?

News and Events
News and Events

Data for Policy Conference 2022

Climate Adaptation and Resilience Conference (CARE 2022)

Student Activities
Student Activities

Career Development Program

Student Advisory Program

Student Sharing


ppolpr@ust.hk   |  (852) 3469 2721  |   ppol.hkust.edu.hk

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