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Talent Development

August was a month of learning. We ran 3 workshops with different topics. The beauty of learning together is to have fun while taking in new knowledge and skills. The active participation and positive feedback showed that the participants were engaged in the workshops. Now is the time for them to apply their learnings and make an impact at work. 

Organic Leadership Mini-series: Learning Circle @ Aug 27

It's wonderful to reunite with classmates, shared their practical applications of bringing the knowledge from classes into their daily work. Together, they exchanged challenges, success stories and insightful ideas on becoming more effective leaders. The meaningful and engaging discussions truly showcased their commitment to professional growth. 

Objective Setting for Appraising Officer & Appraisees @ Aug 6 & 12


The participants understood the PDR cycle and their roles and responsibilities at this point of time. Most importantly, they knew how to set good objectives step-by-step for which the objectives align with the University's strategic objectives. 


Communicating for Engagement @ Aug 21


The participants learned the techniques to communicate effectively, with solid knowledge on how to build trust, adapt to different communication styles and handle resistance. 


Adapting to Change @ Aug 22


The participants got to know the mindset needed in changes, together with some useful tools to help them envisioning the future and setting the course of action when adapting to changes. 


Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will continue to support you along the way. No matter what is on your mind, or even just seeking for work/life coaching advice, give a call to the EAP hotline to have someone to chat with. 

Upcoming Opportunities
Moon Lamp Painting Workshop @ Sep 13

Thank you all for your enthusiastic support! The enrolments received far exceeded the capacity of the workshop. The lot-drawing winners should have received the confirmation email from us. Look forward to seeing you in this / future events!

Stay tuned with the news of Talent Development hrotalent@ust.hk
Any feedback / input on learning & development are very welcome, we look forward to co-creating a fruitful time @HKUST with you

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