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Volunteering / Wellbeing
Serve our Neighbourhood Community: Elderly Home Visit at TKO

Human Resources Office teamed up with a group of volunteers to bring a warm and joyful afternoon to our neighborhood at Tseung Kwan O Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wong Second Lutheran Home for the Elderly on July 26.

We did some physical and cognitive activities like rock-paper-scissors, ball passing and stretching exercises. Singing Cantonese pop songs from their era was their favourite and they sang loudly!

We highly appreciate the volunteers from CMO, DBM, GECO, HRO, HSEO, ITSC and SUST who selflessly shared their time and energy. They demonstrated the power of LOVE and elevated the brand name of HKUST.

They shared that they enjoyed the event as much as the elderly and felt revitalized and fulfilled. They felt great of having other colleagues as companions and doing something for others. Their feedback is a testimonial of “When we share love, we feel loved too.” Compassion is reciprocal, it is beautiful.

Everyone is welcome to take Special Leave to participate in social service, to enhance own well-being and make a meaningful impact on society.

Talent Development

Various learning workshops are organized for different purposes in July and August. Confirmation emails have been sent to targeted participants.


PDR Objective Setting for Appraising Officers @ Jul 31 and Aug 6


PDR Objective Setting for Appraisees @ Jul 31 and Aug 12


Communicating for Engagement @ Aug 21


Adapting to Change @ Aug 22

Diversity and Equal Opportunities
Colors of Inclusion: Art Workshop for Staff and Family @ Aug 16

In the workshop, you and your kids will produce a squash book that resembles diversity and inclusion in your daily lives.

Click here for registration
Introduction to the Anti-Discrimination Laws of Hong Kong @ Aug 27

Join to understand the legal framework surrounding discrimination and promote a culture of inclusivity and respect in HKUST.

Click here for registration
Stay tuned with the news of Talent Development hrotalent@ust.hk
Any feedback / input on learning & development are very welcome, we look forward to co-creating a fruitful time @HKUST with you

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