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Recognition / Engagement
Long Service Award 2023 Presentation Ceremony @ Apr 18

Let's give our biggest round of applause to this year's 35, 30 and 20 years Long Service Award recipients! This is the first time we have staff receiving the 35-year-award and the President on the 30-year-award.  We were honored to have the founding President, Prof Woo Chia Wei to present the award to the President.

A lot of joyful faces and cheering were seen at the Ceremony. Let' s read the photo gallery at HRO website to share their memorable moments.

Talent Development
Organic Leadership Mini-series @ Apr 11

Congratulations to Class B participants on completing the 3 sessions with enthusiasm. Everyone was very eager to learn and grow as effective leaders. With the organic leadership mindset, they can now bring their learning into practice and uncover their team's collective capacities at work.

Laughter Yoga Workshops @ Apr 24 & 25

Participants spent 1-hour in joy and positivity with various exercises and techniques at the Laughter Yoga Workshops. All of them had a great opportunity to come together and connect in a unique way. The energy in the room was contagious and they all left feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Let's spread the joy all over the campus!

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

With the support of the DEO Committee and effort from the Community for Enhancing Intercultural Learning Experiences, the “Guidelines for Use of Inclusive Language in the HKUST Community” (For Students/ For Staff) has been launched. The Guidelines seek to raise awareness and assist faculty, staff, and students in making inclusive language part of everyday life and communication at HKUST and provide useful tips to the HKUST Community. We strongly encourage you all to read the Guidelines and apply the best practices in your daily work context.

Upcoming Opportunities
Performance Management : Year-end Appraisal Workshops

Targeted staff will receive the enrollment email soon. It is a great opportunity to refresh your skills as an effective appraiser to steer a robust performance management culture.

Soothing Alcohol Ink Workshops @ May 28 & 30

Stay tuned to our enrollment email to join this 1-hour workshop: dripping different colours of alcohol ink and create your own artpiece in a relaxing and soothing atmosphere.

Stay tuned with the news of Talent Development hrotalent@ust.hk
Any feedback / input on learning & development are very welcome, we look forward to co-creating a fruitful time @HKUST with you

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